A Queen's Diary
Ask yourself are you living life or are you existing? Take a moment and think about it. Sadly, majority of us will answer existing; day to day, routines like going to work, taking care of home and paying bills. "Paying to live and praying see another day." Many people are barely taking time out to enjoy life's little treasures because we are all just too busy.
That all changed for me when I decided to pick up my paint brush and add some bold, vibrant and bright colors to my canvas of life. You see, I got tired of my day-to-day existence so I made my life's mission statement and decided to execute it! I started doing more of what I loved and less of society's expectations. Let me tell you, society's expectations can sometimes be a "Debbie Downer"...we are not robots, so why are we so programmed? Why does the opinions of other effect our lives so much? Why must we feel the need to seek validation? Why do you need permission to live your life? The answer is you DO NOT, so STOP! It is time you pick up your paintbrush, choose your colors and paint boldly! Paint freely with no regrets and watch how beautifully your life's painting comes together. Yes, there will be a couple of hiccups along the way but that will just add more life/color to your painting. This is your life, this is your canvas...live it! Namaste, Queen Le
1 Comment
2/21/2017 08:20:00 am
This post is so inspiring!! Thank you!
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Lenore "Le"