A Queen's Diary
To be different....what does it really mean? It’s simply looking, being or doing things like no other. As a child, I've always been a bit different from others, whether that be in my appearance, my attitude or personality. Often that came with bullying and teasing. I’ve dealt with it most of my life and always tried to, ‘Fit In’. But right around my senior year in college, I came to see that I was indeed different and that was ok. I had to realize that God created me to His liking and in His image. Once you realize that there is no one else like you and you’re unique and special in your own way......Own it and embrace it! It was a long journey but I’m happy with who I am and I love being different!
P.s- Remember God broke the mold when he created you! -Demetria Lamons
Lenore "Le"