A Queen's Diary
Now that we are in a new year, stop playing the blame game so that you can grow! At some point in time through your growth, you realize that most of your problems were self-inflicted. You blame others for losing the job that YOU used to steal from everyday, your 12th relationship in 6 months failed, or you're screaming for a financial breakthrough after you've spent your last financial blessing in the casino instead of paying your bills ....but all I've seen in social media posts, and witnessed, was why it was never your fault. You have to face yourself! You cry out to God saying, "Lord, why is this happening to me again? I prayed for this and that, but You never look out for me." You begin questioning your faith. God is going to continue to teach YOU the same lessons, time and time again, until YOU learn the lesson!
You want a promotion on that same job you're stealing from... You're praying for financial breakthroughs but you spend your money for pleasure 13 seconds after that deposit hits... and then you're praying for somebody else's husband... let me hush... Stop going through life mad at everybody else whether they did you wrong or not. I don't hold grudges against anybody who has done wrong by me. I simply thank them for doing ME a favor and allowing God to use them to elevate ME through the lesson learned. It's a new year! Unless you want to keep repeating the same lessons, you better evaluate yourself and figure out what it is that God was trying to show you the first 352 times. Stop forming weapons against yourself. -Neeke
Lenore "Le"