A Queen's Diary
If you want to be successful in, you can google self-help remedies and most of it suggest to, ‘Fake It Til’ You Make It.’ If you want to be a great business person, fake it til you make it. If you want to seem more confident, fake it til you make it. But what about your happiness? Should it apply to being happy? We live in a busy world where at times it can seem as if we are just going through the motions to make it to the end of the day, to the end of the week, or even the next hour. With life’s distractions sometimes our own personal well being is put on the back burner to make sure we are able to just make it through. Taking care of the kids, working 40 plus hours at work, taking college courses and working two part time jobs or what ever reality has given you. I woke up and asked myself... Am I faking my happiness so others aren't uncomfortable? Others that count on my happiness as validation that they are happy. I don't want to disappoint them so let me at least fake it today, eventually I will be. It can be so overwhelming at times. I am realizing that maybe I am so good at faking happiness that I truly have bought into my own lie. Having a successful career, business degrees, a marriage of over 20 years, meaningful friendships, great kids, beautiful house, luxury car everything that I thought would make me happy in life I have it, so why am I still pretending to be happy? It has taken brutal self reflection to see that I have to step back from what other people view to be the perfect happy life and find me, and what makes me truly happy. I know that being perfect or portraying a perfect life does not mean a happy life all the time. I am working on being happy. I am working on me and taking time out for myself, first instead of last. I want to be able to be a strong role model and mentor for young women and not feel as if I am selling a story, but my truth. And that truth is, I am no longer able to fake it...I am working on making it, I am working on me.
Queen P
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Lenore "Le"