A Queen's Diary
If you're not happy, change the situation. A lot of times, we create our own mental boundaries and seal ourselves off from the endless opportunities on the other side of these walls that only exist because of us. So many times, GOD has shown us in a variety of ways why we shouldn't be in a particular situation but we chose to ignore it. That's until something else happens to show you why you should not have been there in the first place. Then the first thing we do is call on GOD for help or a sign. Hasn't HE already given you plenty? This will continue to be the cycle until you decide to break it. What others think really doesn't matter. You have to do what is best for you unapologetically. Break down those walls Queen and let your light shine through. Anything threatening your light should no longer be a part of your journey.
Queen Neeke
Lenore "Le"