Inspired by Queens, Inc. is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization whose vision was created by a diverse group of five women with different cultural backgrounds, belief systems and dynamics that joined their ideas and efforts together with one simple goal in mind which was to develop a program that inspires not only themselves and their children to do and be better, but also other women, children, families and eventually the world, one woman at a time.
Although Inspired by Queens, Inc. main focus is the betterment of girls and women, we believe that boys and men will also benefit from this program. As women, we believe it is our responsibility to raise boys that are respectful, kind human beings that become gentlemen or Kings as we refer to them who will teach their children these valuable traits as well. There is a common misconception that women and single mothers cannot raise Kings. Children are influenced by what they see and do what they are taught and eventually become what they are influenced by. Women can give their sons the perspective of a woman, they are the first impression they will have of a woman, and they will see how she is supposed to act and how she is supposed to be treated.
In order to do that we must break the misguided traits of today’s young women by showing and teaching them that they are Queens and they should carry themselves as such which will demand the proper respect. They should expect to be treated as Queens and will raise their daughters to do the same. This will filter over to their sons as well, who will grow to become Kings and in turn raise Kings and Queens by teaching them first and foremost self-love and self-worth. They will then begin to value and respect themselves, and only then will they gain the ability to love and respect someone else.